Dulcimer History

The mountain dulcimer is credited as developed in America, though it is related to zithers found in other cultures. When immigrants came to this country, they brought mostly essentials and couldn’t bring extra items such as instruments. But we are immersed in music, informally at home and publicly for worship and entertainment, so instruments evolved. I had privilege of viewing an exhibit at a local museum called “Appalachian Strings” a few years ago. It was very interesting, featuring instruments crudely made from every day items like old cans and cigar boxes, as well as some that were very intricately hand-carved and crafted with perfection. It was a great reminder that music is for everyone! Back to the dulcimer…instead of re-hashing others’ works, I’ll link you to one of my favorite resources (from the Gardner’s Dulcimer Shop site) for further reading on the history of the mountain dulcimer. Enjoy!